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Class 5 Homepage

Welcome to Amazing Class 5!

Any parents or students who have any concerns or questions, please contact Miss Hyde: class5@brynoffa.shropshire.sch.uk

Class 5 presentation

This presentation includes the key information for Class 5 this year.

Autumn 2023 – Arthog

The Year 6 children had an amazing time at Arthog last week. A blog post should be available soon for you to see some of the pictures.

Summer 2023 – CRUMBLE

Today, we used our CRUMBLE kits and programming software for the first time. The children all created a simple circuit and used the CRUMBLE software to program their sparkle (LED light) to shine different colours, with different wait times and for different amounts of time. The children really enjoyed the lesson and can’t wait to use their kit again and in different ways.

Class 5 taking action on Climate Change!

This week, Class 5 have written and sent letters to our local MP asking them to raise the profile of Climate Change in the local area. They have been learning about the impact of Climate Change on the world in our English lessons and we felt compelled to try and do our bit to make a difference in the world. We are hoping for a positive response to the letters!