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All about us!

Our aim is to foster the wellbeing of the school and to provide links between parents and teachers. We also aim to enhance the financial state of Bryn Offa by providing the children with additional resources and greater opportunities through fundraising activities.

We organise events at school for the benefit of the children as well as raising money. In the past these have included discos, treasure hunts, bingo evenings and cake sales. In the past few years we have purchased many items for the school, including a new art easel for Class 1, aprons for the art room, a play wall in the playground, scientific models, guided reading books and atlas’s. At Christmas time, BOPTA arranges for a visit from Father Christmas and every child in the school gets a present.

We encourage volunteer involvement in BOPTA activities and we act as an important link between the teachers and governors of the school and parents. Being part of the committee is also a great way for parents or carers to make new friends whilst helping to make the children of Bryn Offa have access to additional resources that are outside of the school budget.

Any parent or carer of a pupil at Bryn Offa is automatically a member of BOPTA, and therefore welcome to any meeting and to get involved with our activities.

We have a new way for you to contact the committee. If you would like to get in touch, communication will now be via our new email. Please use the link below:


BOPTA Constitution

This is a copy of our constitution which was agreed at a meeting on Thursday 20th October 2022.

Dates for your diary

2024 events


Cake & Uniform sale 17th May

Please bring any donations of cake to school on Friday in the morning or at 3pm, we look forward to your yummy donations. Sale will be on at 3.15pm on the school yard or in the hall alongside the uniform sale. Donations of uniform are welcome any time with the bin in the reception area. Bus & Pandas children will be able to purchase cakes before they leave.


Clairvoyant Night 12th July with Trinity Rose Williams

£10 per ticket

Doors opens at 6.30pm, event starts at 7.30pm

Venue; Llanyblodwel Village Hall (Llanyblodwel & Porthywaen Memorial Institute), SY10 8LZ

We are holding a clairvoyant night in July. This is a ticket only event, letters to order tickets are to follow after half term. All are welcome, so bring your friends & family along for a fun night out. Bar & raffle available on the night, with cheese & biscuits on the tables, cheese is kindly donated by Arla. It will be great to see you there, we are raising money to send every child at Bryn Offa on a school trip this summer, dates & places will be confirmed in due course. Cash or card will be taken for the bar & raffle. Adult only event.

Next BOPTA Meeting

Wednesday 5th June – Cross Guns 7.30pm

All are welcome to attend.

How we spend the money we raise

We accept requests from staff for items that they think the pupils would benefit from, but the school budget does not allow. We also take ideas from the committee, on what they feel would improve the pupils time at Bryn Offa. A selection of the projects we have funded are below. We are always open to new ideas on what we can raise money for.


New carpet for Class 2

BOPTA purchased a new carpet for Class 2, they loved it and enjoyed finding different places on the map. Thank you for your support that makes this possible.

Bags2School Collections

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated clothing for our Bag2school scheme this week. We managed to get nearly a third of a tonne in total which is amazing! This equates to approximately £150 and this has allowed us to purchase a fabulous new welly rack for use in school. It has already had quite a lot of use, especially with the wet weather we have had recently!

Thank you again to everyone who took part! 

Toys4Life Second Hand Toy Donations

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have received confirmation from Toys 4 Life that we collected an impressive 167.8 kgs of toys for our second hand toy donation scheme. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed!

Not only has this helped to raise £33.56 for BOPTA and the pupils at Bryn Offa, but it also means that lots of children who perhaps wouldn’t have had toys this Christmas will do. It also means that any toys that were not able to passed on to children and families in need could be recycled and will not end of in landfill. 

Coronation Mural

BOPTA helped to fund an amazing opportunity for the pupils to have their work made into a lasting legacy, in the form a mural in the school hall. Mrs Hartland coordinated the project & brought it to life.

Father Christmas Visit 2024

BOPTA organised a visit from Father Christmas and his elf, with a present for each child in the school. The children were very excited to meet him & enjoyed chatting with Father Christmas and his elf in the hall. Huge thanks to Father Christmas and his elf for taking time out of their busy schedule to visit us.


Jubilee Mugs

To commemorate the Queens Jubilee, Mrs Prior suggested we donate a mug to each child in the school. The children received their mug during a special assembly.


Trip to Theatre Severn

This year the school took the children to Theatre Severn to watch a live performance. It was the 1st time in over 10 years we have completed this trip. BOPTA paid for the transport, to help keep costs down for the parents. It was a great success, with the children (& adults) enjoying the performances.

KS1 watched The Smartest Giant In Town
KS2 watched Gangsta Granny


New Playhouse – 2022

Due to all the recent fundraising, we have been able to buy a new playhouse for the KS1 playground. It is a great addition to the playground and the children love it. Thank you for your continued support, making such purchases possible. Here are some pictures of the behind the scenes work from BOPTA committee members and Mr Jones, who came down to lend a hand.

New Thesauruses and Dictionaries for KS1

We had a request from Mrs Maxfield for some new thesauruses and dictionaries for KS1. We used some of the money from the last cake sale to buy these. At our latest meeting Mrs Maxfield came and brought us some lovely thank you cards from her class. It was so lovely to hear how much the children had used the new books we had brought and the committee loved looking through the cards they had made. Purchases like these are only possible due to the continued support we receive from the wonderful family at Bryn Offa.

Past Events

Spring Bingo

The Spring Bingo was a fun evening & thanks to everyone who attended & to Mr Jones for being the bingo caller. We raised a fantastic £150.

Easter Trail

We did the annual Easter trail again this year & saw lots of people walking around Pant to find the clues. Thank you to Miss Morris for printing out all of the letters & Mr Jones who went around and put them up. We raised a great amount of £60, thank you for everyone who took part.

Treasure Hunt & BBQ 2023

A huge thanks to everyone who came & took part in the treasure hunt on Sat 10th June. It was a lovely day, with gorgeous weather. We had the BBQ, face paints & a tombola on the field to enjoy either before or after the treasure hunt around Pant. We raised a fantastic profit of £453.34, we have some exciting ideas on how to spend the money, we will let you know when we know more. A huge thanks needs to go to Mr & Mrs Jones senior, who took the time to set the questions and do the question sheets, we had an impressive 30 teams go out to tackle the questions and find flowers which are also girls names.

Easter Cake Sale

Huge thanks to everyone who donated cakes & everyone who came to purchase the yummy cakes, we raised an amazing £192.90.

Mothers Day Gifts

This year for Mothers Day we did secret gifts for the children to come & choose for their mum, step-mum, grandma or Aunty. It was a wonderful success & we made a profit of £133.85.

February Disco

The children enjoyed another school disco with lots of great dancing. We raised just over £151 which is a fantastic amount, so thank you to everyone who came, there was lots of smiling faces on the way home.

Bags 2 School

We had an impressive 270kg of clothes donated for Bags 2 School, thank you to everyone who donated. This resulted in us raising £135, which is a great amount. We will be running this again in the Autumn term, so save any unwanted clothes, shoes & other items for our next Bags 2 School.

Christmas Raffle

We ran a raffle which we drew on one of the Christmas performances. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and donated prizes, we made an impressive £349.

Teas and Coffees at Christmas Performances

Thank you to everyone who supported our refreshment stall at the Christmas performances we raised £227.43 from your kind donations. Also big thanks to all those who helped on the stall to make it run smoothly, without you we couldn’t run.

School Disco

The children enjoyed the disco and we saw some very good dancing! Thanks to everyone who helped on the night, including Mr Jones who also enjoyed the dancing! We raised £138.50 which is a great amount, but most importantly it was lovely to see so many happy faces enjoying themselves.

Autumn Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and also those who came along to buy the cakes. We made £206.25.

Date Raffle

Thank you to everyone who brought a date in the date raffle. Thanks to Jo Waters who ran it, we made an impressive profit £131.20.

Summer Disco 2022

It was so lovely to finally be able to have a disco. It was great to see the children enjoying the disco and we made a profit of £147.50. Thank you to everyone who came & the group of volunteers who made the evening go smoothly.

Queens Jubilee Bingo

Thank you to everyone who attended the bingo evening, it was lovely to see so many there enjoying the evening. Big thanks to our man on the mic, Nigel Creaser. Our profit for the evening was £180.14.

Easter Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who came to the cake sale and everyone who donated the delicious cakes.

We raised an impressive £207.61!!

Christmas Raffle 2021

Thank you to everyone who brought tickets for the Christmas raffle, we raised an amazing amount of £646. We will hopefully be using this money to partly fund the upcoming trip to Theatre Severn.

BOPTA Easter Trail

Thank you to all the children, parents, families and friends who walked the BOPTA Easter Trail over the Easter holidays. Despite some of the letters going missing, we had lots of entries! Thank you to everyone who took part. We hope the children enjoy their gifts for taking part! Thank you to Matt Lee from Manic Events who donated the prizes, we raised £52.