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Rota Kids UNICEF Children of Gaza Appeal
Rota Kids have been real Advocates For Change over the last few weeks. After seeing the plight of the Palestinian children, they decided to be proactive and raise as much money as possible to donate to Unicef. With the help of Class 5, they made bracelets and sold them during the book fair and at break time. Some children were so thoughtful, they made many extra bracelets at home to raise as much money as we possibly could. We were also fortunate enough to receive cake donations from Morrisons.
Thank you so much to everyone that supported us – we raised an impressive £132!

Harvest Festival 2023

On Tuesday 3rd October, Bryn Offa attended Morton Church for their annual Harvest Festival. The service was led by Reverend Trimby accompanied by songs, poems and a play led by Creation Club. A huge thank you to parents for sending in such generous donations for the food bank. A great time was had by all.