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Class 2 Homepage

Welcome to Class 2’s homepage.

Please contact Mrs Maxfield directly using this email: class2@brynoffa.shropshire.sch.uk

Summer term 2024

Thursday 11th July – Art & Design, fruit and vegetable printing

Friday 17th June – Science, parts of a plant

Thursday 16th June – Maths, Capacity

This morning Class 2 have been learning about capacity and exploring how we can measure the capacity of different objects.

Wednesday 5th June – Leaf cushion Design Technology project

This week we have been completing a textiles project as part of our Design and Technology work.

We have been creating leaf cushions.

We started the week by testing different joining techniques. We carefully tried pinning, sewing, gluing and stapling. We found stapling and sewing to be the strongest options.

Our next challenge was to design our own leaf cushions. We all then had to decide which joining technique we wanted to use on our own cushions – all of us either chose stapling or sewing! Then came the making!!

Finally we were able to decorate our cushions using lots of different things! We chose our own designs and they all look fantastic!

Friday 24th May – 5K in May

This morning we completed our first KM of our 5K in May challenge!

Good luck to everyone taking part and I can’t wait to hear all about it after the half term!

Spring term 2024

Tuesday 16th April – Visit to the Heritage Area

On Tuesday we had a wonderful visit to the Heritage Area!

On the way we stopped at the view point and discusses all the different things we could see from there in preparation for our Geography work on human and physical features which starts next week.

Once we had arrived at the Heritage Area and dropped our bags off at the stable block we began our first activity – Nature weaving! We has a wonderful time identifying plants we could use as part of our weave before adding them to our own projects.

Shortly after we tarted our Spring Hunts! This included a colour hunt which after showed us that there are far more natural colours in spring than winter.

After a delicious picnic lunch…

… we split into two groups. One group, led by Miss Wright, completed a flower hunt linked to our new science topic. The other group, with Mrs Maxfield, completed the Bee Sized Bites colour activity. Both groups of children had the opportunity to complete both of the activities.

Friday 15th March – Red Nose Day

Tuesday 13th March – How is Easter celebrated?

Last week we learnt about the Easter story. This week in RE we explored how Easter is celebrated!

We tasted tested hot cross buns. We also taste tested Easter eggs and chose our favourites! We completed and Easter egg hunt where all the eggs contained a letter, we then unscrambled the letters to solve the Easter message! Finally we decorated some eggs.

In next weeks lesson we’ll be finding our why these activities are traditional Easter activities and their links to the Easter story!

Friday 8th March – Frozen dinosaurs! – British Science Week

This year’s British Science Week theme is ‘Time’. Class 2 took part in a science investigation to see which of the items provided would help melt the ice faster and save the dinosaurs captured within! We tried soil, salt and sugar! It was very exciting!!!! We found out that sugar and salt helped to melt the ice quicker and release the dinosaur eggs.

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

We’ve had a wonderful World Book Day!

In class, as part of our English lesson, we completed four different world book day themed activities. We wrote our own part of the whole school story! In whole school worship we found out the winners of the competitions and had great fun with Gangsta Granny leading worship!

All the costumes are absolutely amazing!! You all look wonderful!

Petal bashing – Thursday 29th February

Our topic in Art & Design this term is textiles. This week we have been learning all about textiles and how we can alter them. Then we had a go at dying handkerchiefs using a process called petal bashing. It was great fun!!!!

A huge thank you to everyone who sent in flowers for us to use!

Space Day! – Tuesday 20th February

Today Class 2 took part in a fantastic space day!

Our first activity was a senses test. We got to test our sense of taste by trying astronaut food which looks completely different to normal food! We also tested our hearing and smell by trying to guess objects inside eggs. Finally we testes our sense of touch by trying to identify the object hidden inside the sock.

Our next activity was a wonderful lesson called ‘Destination Space’ led by Emyr from the Xplore! team. We learnt all about life on the International Space Station and got to take part in some fantastic activities!

Our final activity of the day was a trip inside the star dome for a lesson led by Tom from the Xplore! team. We learnt all about the solar system, looking at the planets and the constellations. It was an amazing experience and the photos don’t do it justice!

Express yourself day – Friday 9th February

English – Tuesday 6th February

As part of our instruction writing focus in English today we made (and tasted!) pancakes! We followed the instructions step by step to make the batter.

Later in the week we will all be writing our own set of instructions for making pancakes ready to be used on pancake day next week!

No pancake making lesson is complete without pancake tossing! We did cheat slightly and use scotch pancakes and a cold frying pan 🙂

Science – Tuesday 30th January

Out topic in science this half term is light! We have been finding sources of light and then sorting them into natural and human made.

This week we started investigating shadows! We found out that Shadows are made when objects block the light. This has led us to an investigation question to explore next week – ‘Do all objects make a shadow?’

P.E. – Gymnastics – Friday 26th January

During our Friday PE lessons with Mrs Taaffe we have been practising our gymnastics skills and next week we will be creating our own gymnastics routines!

D&T Space Buggy project – Thursday 4th January 2024

Today Class 2 completed there new mechanism project in D&T. We were given the challenge to explore, design, make and evaluate model space buggies!

We started off by exploring toy vehicles and working out how they moved. We discuss the wheels, axles and force used to make a vehicle move.

We then split into groups to carefully design our own space buggy models. There was lots of brilliant discussion about what a space buggy would need and what could be used to make it.

In our groups we then followed out designs to create our space buggy models. We used lots of different items and materials from around the classroom and showed excellent teamwork.

Here are our finished models:

Autumn term 2023

Christmas dinner – Thursday 14th December 2023

Christmas performance – Tuesday 12th December 2023

On Tuesday 12th December Class 2 took part in the KS1 Christmas performance. It was FANTASTIC!

Unfortunately not everyone made it due to illness but we just wanted to say a huge thank you and well done to all the children because they have been incredible through every performance! The pictures below are from our dress rehearsal last Friday 🙂

Christmas in box – 28th November 2023

Today we were incredibly lucky to take part in a Christmas workshop. The children explored the Christmas nativity story and added special items to their own boxes to bring home. A huge thank you to Jane for running the workshop, we all absolutely loved it!

Frida Kahlo inspired self-portraits – 21st November 2023

Our Art & Design topic this term is collage. We were inspire by Frida Kahlo to create our very own rainforest self-portraits creating a rainforest collage for the background. The final results are currently being displayed in Class 2.

Children in Need – 17th November 2023

Interfaith week – Judaism – 16th November 2023

As part of Interfaith Week Class 2 spent the afternoon looking at symbols and traditions of Judaism. We made our own Torah scrolls and filled them with things that are special to us. We made our own Menorahs using hand prints and tissue paper for the flames. We created collages of the Star of David. Finally we wrote brief captions about the symbols and traditions we learnt about.

Each class at Bryn Offa have looked at a different religion for Interfaith week and we’re looking forward to hearing about what the other classes have done.

Fruit Salad – 13th October 2023

This week Class 2 have been completing our first Design and Technology project.

We started by taste testing existing fruit salad and giving our evaluation.

Next we designed our own fruit salad and our own packaging.

Today we created our own fruit salad. All children helped with chopping up the fruit and then made their own fruit salads according to their recipes from yesterday! The best part was tasting the fruit salad and then writing our evaluations.

Harvest Festival at Morton Church – 3rd October 2023

On Tuesday 3rd October the whole school visited Morton Church for our Harvest Festival.

We sang harvest songs, listened to Rev. Trimby’s service and watched a brilliant performance by our Creation Club.

A huge thank you for all the wonderful donations to the food bank!

Exotic Zoo – 27th September 2023

Class 2 had the most incredible time at Exotic Zoo in Telford today! We started off with a brilliant lesson about rainforest animals with Jack. We all had the opportunity to learn about, stroke and hold a Giant African Millipede, a Lesser Tenrec, a Tree Frog, a Veiled Chameleon and an Armadillo.

Following the lesson we went off to explore the zoo! We had the opportunity to stroke guinea pigs and a tortoise on our way round! We saw meerkats, lemurs, wallabys, horses, goats, rabbits, chickens, skunks as well as lots of other animals.

After a quick stop for lunch we went to explore the rainforest area. We were able to hold a corn snake and explore the whole area!

We had a wonderful day! A huge thank you to all the children who were just amazing, the staff who came to help and to Exotic Zoo for having us!

Welcome back Class 2! Below you can find an information PowerPoint all about Class 2.

This web page will be updated throughout the term to share class letters as well as showing what we have been doing.

Summer Term 2023

Monday 17th July – Sports day practise

This afternoon we had a mini sports day practise with Class 1

Thursday 13th July – D&T Soup Project

This week we have been completing our soup D&T project! We decided to make soup after learning about rationing and World War II in our history lessons.

Our first job was to evaluate existing products. We marked 3 soups out of 10 for their smell, appearance and taste! We didn’t know what flavour the soups were but guessed and then found out they had been mushroom, tomato and leek & potato.

Then, in groups, we designed our very own soups! There were four groups in class and our chosen flavours were:

Tomato & Potato

Tomato & Sweet Potato

Potato & Pea

Potato & Carrot

Our next job was to make it! All children had a go at peeling and chopping the vegetables for their soup!

Then we had the very important job of tasting our soups!! Some were tastier than others! Lots of children asked for second portions and asked to try other groups flavours!

Finally we evaluated our soups including what we would do differently next time.

Tuesday 20th June – Visit to the Heritage Area

Today we had a wonderful visit to the Heritage Area. We all took part in different activities including bee sized bites, metre square safari and habitat hunting! The children were all absolutely brilliant and it was such a lovely day!

Wednesday 7th June – Outdoor learning

This afternoon we spent all afternoon in our amazing forest school area! We were looking for signs of summer and completing activities that linked to our Science and English work this term! We had a great time!!!

Wednesday 24th May – Andy Goldsworthy

In our Art lessons over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about British sculpture Andy Goldsworthy.

Taking inspiration from his work, this week we have designed and created our own sculptures. They look fantastic!

Tuesday 23rd May – Mr Singh’s visit

Today we had a wonderful visit from Mr Singh who came to talk about Sikhism. The children really enjoyed their assembly and short lesson!

Friday 19th May – Challah bread

During our RE lessons we have been learning all about Judaism. Last week we learnt about how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat. During Shabbat Jews will eat Challah bread which is a bread sweeten with honey. Today we had made Challah bread!

Before lunch we made the dough. Then we all had a go at plaiting the dough before our rolls were baked. Then the best bit… we got to taste it! It was delicious!!!!!

Friday 5th May – Coronation Day

We’ve had a great day celebrating King Charles’ coronation! We even had our very own royal portraits!

Wednesday 19th April – Tile painting

Tile painting for our coronation project – Year 1s