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Class 2 Homepage

Welcome to Class 2’s homepage.

Welcome back Class 2! Below you can find an information PowerPoint all about Class 2.

This web page will be updated throughout the term to share class letters as well as showing what we have been doing.

Mrs Maxfield and Mrs Woodfine can be contacted directly using this email:


Tuesday 19th November – Wearing our wellies in support of UK farmers

Thursday 24th October – Moving pictures (Design technology project)

Our focus in design technology this term is mechanisms. We have been investigating, planning, making and evaluating our own moving pictures. Our designs were based on our current class text ‘Lost and Found’.

Tuesday 8th October – Harvest festival

Friday 4th October – Lost and Found suitcase

Our focus text in English at the moment is Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Today we discovered a small suitcase in our class with some items we think the boy form the story has packed for his trip to the South Pole. We decided to help him by creating a packing list to ensure he had everything he needs. We then wrote some reasoning sentences using ‘because’ and ‘so’.

Tuesday 24th September – Visit to Blue Planet Aquarium

On Tuesday we had a wonderful visit to Blue Planet Aquarium! After arriving and dropping our bags off we explored the exhibits on the upper level of the aquarium. We then went for a lesson in their classroom where Skye taught us all about habitats. We learnt what habitats need, the different types of habitats that can be found in the ocean and what lives there. She gave us lots of brilliant facts, for example that an octopus ahs 9 brains! One in its head and one at the end of each limb.

We then had front row seats at the Aqua show. Faye talked to us all about the sharks, rays and fish that live in the main tank. She also introduced use to the divers and showed us how to communicate with them through the glass.

After a quick stop for lunch we continued exploring the remainder of the exhibits which included the incredible tunnel! We loved it so much we went through twice and heard lots of ‘WOW!’ and ‘That’s amazing!’ as we went through.

We had such a wonderful day! A huge thank you to all the children whose behaviour was absolutely exemplary – you made an already great trip even more amazing!! Well done class two!

Another big thank you to all the adults, including volunteers who came with us – the trip wouldn’t have gone ahead without you all, thank you!!

Friday 13th September – Football

This morning Class 2 started their football unit with Mr Blackburn and Mr Beckett. We saw some great dribbling and shooting skills and will be working on our skills before a match at the end of the term.