Bryn Offa CE Primary School
Contact Details
Postal Address:
Bryn Offa CE Primary School, Rockwell Lane, Pant, Oswestry, Shropshire. SY10 9QR
Telephone Number:
01691 830621
For all enquiries, please contact Mrs Keleher (Headteacher) or Miss Morris (Administrator)
For Special Educational Needs Enquiries:
SENDCo – Mrs Maxfield
Telephone: 01691 830 621
*Please mark email for attention of SENDCo
School Opening and Closing Times
- School Start: We welcome children into class at 8:45am to 8:50am when the registers close.
Any children arriving after 8:50am should be brought into school via the main office.
- School End: Children are dismissed to parents/carers at 3.20 p.m. from their class.
Total time in school each week- 32.5 hours
If you have arranged for someone other than yourselves to collect your child, you must inform the school in advance. To ensure your child’s safety, if we have not been informed then we will not release your child without seeking your permission via a phone call.
Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors – Lisa Humphreys
Useful County Contact Details
Admission Enquiries: 01743 254 394
Transport Enquiries: 01743 252 485
Free School Meals Enquiries: 01743 254 567