We are excited to announce this week’s Stars of the Week!
Class One
Cassius – For creating a brilliant question for the class penguin in Literacy and also being really brave going on the school bus for the first time too!
Class Two
Ren – Ren really challenged himself in our maths lessons this week by using what we had been learning about number bonds, to help him work out calculations using much larger numbers. Super effort Ren – well done!
Class Three
Olivia S – Trying your best and sharing your ideas. You have been doing great work In both Maths and English this week I have been so impressed with your attitude. An excellent start to the new term.
Class Four
Olivia – For having a fantastic attitude to learning and coming back after the holidays with a huge smile.
Class Five
Niamh – For writing an excellent character description based on our class text, using precise vocabulary choices and impressive and accurate punctuation. Well done!

Special Recognition: Christian Values Award
This week, we also celebrated the following children, who were spotted by staff for showing our Christian Values in their daily lives. In the coming terms, we will be exploring several of our Christian values, rather than focusing solely on one at a time.
Class One
Displaying the value of Friendship
Cerys – for always being such a kind and caring friend. Cerys regularly helps others if needed.
Class Two
Displaying the value of Respect
James G – James has shown some really lovely manners this week. Well done James.
Class Three
Displaying the value of Compassion
Primrose – You have had a challenging couple of weeks and the care and compassion you have shown towards them has been really heartwarming.
Class Four
Displaying the value of Truthfulness
Lucas – For showing such maturity and honesty in all aspects of school life.
Class Five
Displaying the value of Truthfulness
ALL of Class 5 – Class 5 can always be relied upon to be totally honest and learn from mistakes. I am very proud of the maturity you all show and the way you take ownership for your choices.