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Stars of the Week and Value Certificate Winners – Friday 13th December

We are excited to announce this week’s Stars of the Week!

Class One

Jasper – for his amazing letter to Santa which he wrote completely independently. Jasper is also trying so hard in our phonics sessions too!

Class Two

Isabelle – showed such determination and courage to perform her part in the Christmas performance as Mrs Potts. She worked so hard to learn her lines and delivery them clearly!

Class Three

Florence – You have a fantastic attitude to learning.  You are always willing to give something a try.  It doesn’t matter what subject we are working on but you are always working with a smile on your face and respond brilliantly to an feedback that you are given.  Keep it up 🙂

Class Four

Ava – For an exceptional independent write in English. Ava has worked SO hard on her writing and not only that, but she also puts in maximum effort into EVERYTHING she does. This week Ava asked to continue with her English instead of playing a game with class because she was enjoying her writing so much which is so pleasing to see. Ava has such a mature approach to learning. Keep up the good work. 

Class Five

Lexi – Lexi is a naturally gifted writer. She has an excellent vocabulary and uses this to great effect. This week, Lexi has written a fantastic balanced argument based on our class text, Holes. I am so impressed Lexi. Keep up the great work!


Special Recognition: Christian Values Award

This week, we also celebrated the following children, who were spotted by staff for showing our Christian Values in their daily lives.  In the coming terms, we will be exploring several of our Christian values, rather than focusing solely on one at a time.

Class One

Displaying the value of Courage

Harry – for being an amazing sheep even though he was poorly, he continued to perform so well!

Class Two

Displaying the value of Courage

Alphonsus – shared how nervous he felt before the Christmas performance but showed such courage to deliver his lines as a narrator clearly and accurately.

Class Three

Displaying the value of Respect

Monty – For a showing mature and respectful attitude.  You are always ready to learn.  You listen to others and look out for your friends.  You are so sensible in the way you respond to things when they go a little bit off plan and you are a fantastic role model to the whole class.

Class Four

Displaying the value of Friendship

Sienna – For always being such a kind and caring friend to everybody in Class 4. Sienna was actually nominated by another class member who explained just how amazing Sienna is to have as a friend and I couldn’t agree more. Sienna is an outstanding model to her peers showcasing all of the school values. 

Class Five

Displaying the value of Respect

Neve – Neve is always incredibly respectful to all. You are an excellent role model Neve and an asset to Bryn Offa.
