We are excited to announce this week’s Stars of the Week!
Class One
Sofia – for her amazing phonics all week! Sofia is also trying really hard with writing words and starting to form simple sentences too!
Class Two
Isabelle K – for fantastic effort and 100% enjoyment in your forest school sessions. You listen well and follow the forest school rules excellently, always setting a good example to others. You are also a great support to your classmates, helping them with getting ready for their sessions. Well done.
Class Three
Brianne -For fantastic contributions and ideas. In our topic about the Stone Age, you have really thought about the evidence presented to you and shared some interesting ideas.
Class Four
Adah – For quickly grasping spag concepts in English, particularly past/present progressive and present perfect tense and for always editing and up-levelling your work without prompt and using beautiful and ambitious vocabulary. Adah has also been working really hard in Maths and demonstrated brilliant understanding of multiplying 3 digits by 1 digit. Adah always works so hard – keep up the good work.
Class Five
Luca – Luca has taken a real interest in our history lessons and has produced some fantastic work on Victorian Workhouses. His work is engaging, thoughtful and always beautifully presented.

Special Recognition: Christian Values Award
This week, we also celebrated the following children, who were spotted by staff for showing our Christian Values in their daily lives. In the coming terms, we will be exploring several of our Christian values, rather than focusing solely on one at a time.
Class One
Displaying the value of Friendship
Monty – Monty is always a great friend in Class1, he also was fab helping some of the Reception children in Forest School this week too!
Class Two
Displaying the value of Respect
Lucy – Lucy is such a polite young lady with the most impeccable manners. I always hear a ‘please’ or a ‘thank you’ whether she is talking to another child or an adult. Well done Lucy.
Class Three
Displaying the value of Friendship
Hettie – You always look out for your friends. You are so kind and caring which is lovely to see.
Class Four
Displaying the value of Perseverance
Dottie – Dottie has showed real perseverance this week in both her English and Maths work. She wrote an incredible ‘tree guide’ including relative clauses and has pushed herself all week to do her best work. In Maths Dottie has responded quickly to feedback and shown great understanding. Well done, Dottie.
Class Five
Displaying the value of Truthfulness
Austin – Austin is showing amazing perseverance and resilience, especially in English.
He is making wonderful progress and I am very proud of him.