We are excited to announce this week’s Stars of the Week!
Class One
Kate Toriro– for her amazing shape knowledge in Maths and also for contributing to collective worship too. Well done Kate.
Class Two
Grace Peters – Grace has really impressed me all week. Her work has been of the very highest standard and her behaviour has been incredible. Well done Grace – keep it up.
Class Three
Ophelia-Rose Cubberley – for amazing contributions in class. You always have your hand up and are willing to contribute to class. You have some lovely ideas and valued contributions to make.
Class Four
Edith Lewis – For having an all round fabulous week. Edith has been so engaged with her learning, particularly with her contributions on the carpet. Her understanding of calculating perimeter has also been fantastic. Well done!
Class Five
Bobby Waters – Bobby wrote a fabulous balanced argument this week. His conclusion was very well structured, and he used some excellent vocabulary. Bobby also did very well during our performance ‘One Night, One Moment with Bryn Offa,’ pushing himself out of his comfort zone during the afternoon performance.
Special Recognition: Christian Values Award
This week, we also celebrated the following children, who were spotted by staff for showing our Christian Values in their daily lives. In the coming terms, we will be exploring several of our Christian values, rather than focusing solely on one at a time.
Class One
Displaying the value of Compassion
Mali Roberts – for thinking of others at Christmas time and knowing its about being with family not just getting presents.
Class Two
Displaying the value of Respect
Charlie Tomkins – for showing respect to our school by volunteering to help tidy up the art room this week after our lesson, making sure everything was organised and put away tidily. Thank you Charlie.
Class Three
Displaying the value of Truthfulness
Brianne Roberts – Brie you have thought about the importance of honesty and when it is not always easy I have been really proud to see you being honest and truthful.
Class Four
Displaying the value of Respect
Bethany Hill – for always being super respectful to both staff and peers, showcasing ALL the school values ALL of the time. She is a fantastic role model.
Class Five
Displaying the value of Respect
Nathaniel Smith – Nathaniel is always incredibly respectful. His manners are impeccable, and he is an excellent role model.