We are excited to announce this week’s Stars of the Week!
Class One
Nicholas – for his amazing work on one more and one less in Maths and also helping his friend find one more too!
Class Two
Connie – Connie has shown some great mathematical skills this week. We have been adding and subtracting multiples of ten – her understanding has been incredible. Keep up the hard work Connie. Well done!
Class Three
Sophie-Leigh – For fantastic ideas and contributions in class. You are working really hard, you are joining in discussions and then recording your ideas in your book. Keep up the good work.
Class Four
Logan – For having an overall great week, working more independently and for forming new friendships. Logan has been a wonderful friend. Keep up the good work.
Class Five
Ruben – Ruben has written an excellent persuasive letter in our English lesson. It is well structured and uses persuasive and emotive language.
Ruben shows an excellent understanding of the English Language. He also has an impressive general knowledge and really enjoys our geography lessons. well done, Ruben!

Special Recognition: Christian Values Award
This week, we also celebrated the following children, who were spotted by staff for showing our Christian Values in their daily lives. In the coming terms, we will be exploring several of our Christian values, rather than focusing solely on one at a time.
Class One
Displaying the value of Respect
Gracie-Mae – respect for always being super respectful towards adults and peers and being an amazing role model to others.
Class Two
Displaying the value of Respect
Millie – Millie is a fantastic role model – she always ensures that she keeps her table tidy and looks after her books and resources carefully.
Class Three
Displaying the value of Friendship
Harrison – You are always a kind and caring friend. You look out for your friends, and you are always willing to help them out.
Class Four
Displaying the value of Respect
Nathanial – For being so helpful and respectful of our classroom environment, helping to tidy and do a wonderful job of it!
Class Five
Displaying the value of Friendship
Zak – Zak will put the needs of his friends above his own, always making sure they are OK. Zak demonstrates the true meaning of Friendship. Amazing, Zak!