Home » Bryn Offa Computing Curriculum

Bryn Offa Computing Curriculum

At Bryn Offa the children experience a rich variety of technology including simple technology toys for the youngest children, computers and Ipads throughout the school and for the older children they will also make use of sound recording technology and also cameras and web cams. Throughout their work there is always a huge emphasis on Online Safety both in school and at home.

Bryn Offa Computing Curriculum Map


Additional Resources

Use the links below to support your child’s learning

https://www.getpaint.net/ – Download the free art software we use in school.

https://www.youtube.com/c/eAWARE – Youtube channel for the E Safety company we use.

https://scratch.mit.edu/   –  use this link to take you to the place we get our coding software from. You can either download a copy or use it online without needing to download.