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In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, school governors are members of a school’s Governing Body. In state schools they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend. They are the largest volunteer force in the country.

Governing Body Membership

Position Name Date of Appoint Date Term Ends Appointing Body
Chair Mrs Lisa Humphreys  14/03/24 14/03/28 School
Acting Vice Mrs Hannah Littleford 14/03/24 01/09/24 School 
Headteacher Mrs Celin Keleher 01/09/24   School
Staff Governor        
  Mrs Hannah Littleford 14/03/24 14/03/28 Co-opted
  Mrs Lisa Humphreys  08/11/22 08/11/25 Parent
  Miss Rachel Harvey  14/03/24 01/09/24 Staff 
  Mrs Stefanie Waddington-Gries       

Governor Committees

Committee Membership
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee  
Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeals Committee Vice Chair
Pupil Discipline Committee Chair
Pupil Discipline Appeals Committee Vice Chair, Hannah Littleford
Salaries, PM & Employment Issues Committee Chair, Vice Chair
Complaints Committee Vice Chair, Daniel Jones
Reserve for all committees Hannah Littleford

Link Governors 2022/23

Link Responsibility Governor
Child Protection, Safeguarding & Well Being Lisa Humphreys
RE, Collective Worship & British Values Lisa Humphreys
Pupil Premium, SEN & LAC David Stott
Math Lisa Humphreys
English Lisa Humphreys
Science Lisa Humphreys
Health and Safety Daniel Jones
Behaviour, Attitude, Mental Health and Well-being Daniel Jones

Early Years                                              Hannah Littleford


Governor’s Profiles

Mr Daniel Jones
Autumn 2021, I joined the board of governors, representing as a parent. I have one daughter in school and one soon to start, 2022. Bryn Offa is an excellent school, with excellent staff, doing an excellent job. I feel my work as a Learning Support Assistant at Derwen College will help to bring further understanding of SEND and methods used to improve equality, diversity, and inclusivity associated with this time in our children’s lives.
I have an agricultural background, growing up on a farm locally. This has led me to teaching horticulture skills and understanding to young adults with SEND. I love my job, its a fantastic place to work, if I can bring a smile to a face a day it is well worth it. Everyone deserves a chance at life.
Mrs Hannah Littleford

Register of Business Interests

From 1 September 2015, Governing Bodies are under a duty to publish their register of interests on their website. The register should set out the relevant business interests of Governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register should also set out any relationships between Governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives. ‘None’ should be recorded on the entry on the register by Governors who have no interests to register.



8th December 2022

Present – Rev Kathy Trimby (Chair) , Gareth Jones, Paul Thompson, Roberta Houghton, Janet Brown, Daniel Jones, David Stott, Hannah Littleford, Lisa Humphreys.


19th May 2022

Apologies – Hannah Littleford

Present – Christian Wilcox, Rev Kathy Trimby, Gareth Jones, Paul Thompson, Roberta Houghton, Janet Brown, Daniel Jones

28th April 2022

Apologies – Daniel Jones and Hannah Littleford

Present – Christian Wilcox (Chair), Paul Thompson, Gareth Jones, Janet Brown, Roberta Houghton, Rev Trimby


20th January 2022

Apologies – Rev Trimby, Janet Brown, Ann Jones

Present – Christian Wilcox (Chair), Daniel Jones, Hannah Littleford, Gareth Jones, Roberta Houghton, Paul Thompson


18th November 2021

Apologies : Rev Trimby, Ann Jones and Janet Brown

Present – Julian Liddiatt (Chair), Paul Thompson, Christian Wicox, Daniel Jones, Hannah Littleford, Gareth Jones, Roberta Houghton


30th June 2021

Apologies:, Rev Trimby

Present: Julian Liddiatt (Chair) Paul Thompson (HT), Janet Brown, Roberta Haughton, Ann Jones, Gareth Jones , Hannah Littleford Christian Wilcox

26th May 2021

Apologies: Hannah Littleford, Rev Trimby

Present: Julian Liddiatt (Chair) Paul Thompson (HT), Janet Brown, Roberta Haughton, Ann Jones, Gareth Jones , Christian Wilcox

28th April 2021

Apologies: Janet Brown, Ann Jones, Rev Trimby

Present: Julian Liddiatt (Chair) Paul Thompson (HT), Roberta Haughton,

Gareth Jones Lisa Humphreys, Hannah Littleford Christian Wilcox

24th March 2021

Apologies: Rev Trimby

Present: Julian Liddiatt (Chair) Paul Thompson (HT), Janet Brown, Roberta Haughton, Ann Jones, Gareth Jones Lisa Humphreys, Hannah Littleford Christian Wilcox (16.54 onwards)

February 24th 2021

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

January 27th 2021

Apologies – Rev K Trimby, Mr J Liddiatt

Present – Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

December 16th 2021

Apologies – Rev K Trimby, Mrs J Brown

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

November 25th 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

October 21st 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby, Mr G Jones

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

September 23rd 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby, Mrs J Brown

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

July 8th 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox, Mrs Roberta Houghton

June 11th 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox

May 6th 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox

March 4th 2020

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox

January 22nd 2020

Apologies – Mrs L Humphreys

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Rev K Trimby, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr Christian Wilcox

December 11th 2019

Apologies – Mrs L Humphreys, Mr C Wilcox

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Rev K Trimby, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones

November 13th 2019

Apologies – Rev K Trimby

Present – Mr J Liddiatt, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs L Humphreys, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr C Wilcox

October 9th 2019

Apologies – Mr J Liddiatt

Present – Rev K Trimby, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs L Humphreys, Mrs J Brown, Mrs Ann Jones, Mr C Wilcox

September 11th 2019

Apologies – Ann Jones

Present – Mr Julian Liddiatt, Rev K Trimby, Mr P Thompson, Mr G Jones, Mrs M Walpole, Mrs L Humphreys, Mrs J Brown