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School Information


Please find below a range of documents providing information for parents about Bryn Offa CE Primary School.


School Uniform

Please ensure that all your child’s school uniform and equipment is labelled clearly with your child’s name. Sewn in labels are best as handwritten names often wear off in the wash. Things only tend to get lost if they don’t have a name on them!

Bryn Offa sweatshirts, cardigans and bookbags can be ordered from the School Shop Direct website (www.schoolshopdirect.co.uk). You can also order by telephone if you wish (01743 440449) or by emailing info@schoolshopdirect.co.uk

The remaining items of uniform can be purchased from most supermarkets or clothing stores.

Boys uniform

* Bryn Offa sweatshirt or plain navy jumper

* Plain grey or black trousers or shorts

* Plain white polo shirt, shirt or t-shirt

* Black shoes or sandals (buckle or velcro fastenings please for children who are unable to tie laces) – Please also note that socks must be worn with both shoes and sandals.

Girls uniform

* Bryn Offa sweatshirt/cardigan or plain navy jumper or cardigan

* Plain grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

* Plain white polo shirt, shirt, blouse or t-shirt

* Checked or striped summer dress in blue and white

* Black shoes or sandals (buckle or Velcro fastenings please for children who are unable to tie laces) Please also note that socks must be worn with both shoes and sandals.

It is useful if your child’s bookbag could have an accessory such as a key ring attached to the handle to make it easier for them to identify which bag is theirs. Children in Key Stage 2 tend to bring their own rucksack but these should be kept to an appropriate size due to lack of space in the cloakrooms.

The children can bring their own water bottles to school. We do have some Bryn Offa water bottles in school if you would like to buy one for £2.00 but they do have the previous school logo on.

Items of jewellery (other than a watch) should not be worn to school. Stud earrings are permitted but they should not be worn during PE lessons. If they cannot be removed, they should be taped over with an appropriate low level adhesive medical tape.

PE Kit

It is essential that all children have a full PE kit in school with them. We encourage parents to bring their child’s PE kit into school on the first day of term and for it to be left in school for a whole half term. As with all other items of uniform, all items or clothing and the PE bag must be labelled clearly with your child’s name.

Your child’s PE kit should consist of the following:

* White or navy plain shorts

* White or navy plain t-shirt

* Tracksuit bottoms/leggings and top for outdoor PE (these items are not required in the summer)

* Plimsolls or trainers

Electronic payment system- Eduspot/School Money

Payments for school dinners, trips and clubs should be made via the Eduspot website. A Parent User Guide for the website can be found above.

As children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are eligible for free school meals, payments for school dinners only need to be made for children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).

Electronic email system – Teachers 2 Parents

The majority of our communication to parents will be sent out by email, with some reminders being sent by text as well. It is important that the contact details we have for you are accurate and that you inform us when you change your email address or mobile number.

When you need to contact us

Please note that all time critical messages to us need to be made by phone and not email. An example of this would be any changes to end of day arrangements (school office telephone number 01691 830621).

Changes in dropping off and picking up your child

It is essential that we are kept informed about your arrangements for dropping off your child in the morning and picking them up at the end of the school day. Please contact the school office by telephone (01691 830621) by 9.00am where possible if there are changes to the end of day arrangements for your child. If your child is going to be collected by someone who does not normally collect them, a person who is unknown to school or another parent, please notify us as soon as possible.

Please do not email us regarding changes to end of day arrangements in case your email is not picked up. Please telephone us to notify us of any changes. If Miss Morris is unable to answer the telephone, please leave a message and she will call you back.

Absence from school because of illness

If your child is absent from school because of illness, please telephone or email us to let us know the reason before 9.30am on the morning of the absence. If your child is absent for more than one day, please notify us each morning to keep us updated.

Please note that if your child is suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea, they will need to remain off school for 48 hours after the last period of sickness and/or diarrhoea. This follows the Public Health England Guidance on Infection Control in School and Other Childcare Settings.

Medical appointments/authorised absences

We appreciate that it is not always possible to book medical appointments outside of the school day. If your child does need to attend an appointment, please let Miss Morris know in advance of the appointment. Please also provide proof of the appointment (e.g. appointment text/card, hospital letter). Failure to do this may result in the absence being marked as unauthorised.

Holidays during term time

It is not possible for us to authorise holidays during term time. If you choose to take your child out of school for a holiday, this will be unauthorised and you could be issued with a fine.

If you feel an absence would be classed as ‘special circumstances’, please ask Miss Morris for the relevant form which needs to be completed and returned to Mr Thompson.

Further information can be found at www.shropshire.gov.uk/schools-and-education/school-attendance-or-exclusion/pupil-leave-of-absence/

Administration of medication

If your child needs medication during the school day, please contact Miss Morris in the school office. Medication will only be administered by staff where a parental request has been made on the official form which is available from the school office or in the documents above. Where possible, medicines must be in the original container from the pharmacy labelled with the child’s name. Please contain Miss Morris if you have any queries regarding this.

Health matters

If you have any concerns about your child’s health or if she/he has a medical condition that we should be aware of, please let us know as soon as possible. We can then discuss the matter with you and be fully aware of and prepared for any possible difficulties.

**It is really important to keep us informed in writing if there any changes to your child’s health or medical condition**

Payment for school dinners

From September 2021, all school dinners will need to be paid for in advance and dinner arrears will be not be permitted. All parents should ensure that their child’s account has enough credit on it to cover their dinners at the start of each week. Further information can be found in the letter below.

Food and drink

School Dinners

Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to receive a free school lunch. However, children are not forced to take up the offer of a free hot meal, and can bring a packed lunch if they wish. A school dinner for children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 if they wish to have one costs £2.32 per day.

Dinners do not need to be pre-ordered via the School Money dinner payment system. A dinner register is taken by the teachers during morning registration and these are put onto the system at the end of each school day.

All meals are cooked on site by our catering staff, with high quality ingredients, which are sourced locally where possible. Special dietary requirements are catered for and menus are always available in advance. Sometimes there may be slight changes to the menus due to unforeseen circumstances but we will endeavour to let parents know when this happens.

Nut Allergy

As we have a child in school with a serious nut allergy, please do not send your child into school with any products that contain nuts. This includes products that may contain traces of nuts. Potential allergens could include the following:

* Spreads, e.g. chocolate spread * Cereal bars * Some types of biscuit

* Condiments, e.g. satay sauce * Cakes * Some snack pots

It is important that you check the labelling of food products before sending your child into school with them- it is not always apparent that products contain nuts or traces of nuts.

School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme for Key Stage One Pupils

Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is given the option of having one piece of fruit or veg each day free of charge, which they are given during their morning break.

Breaktime snacks

At Bryn Offa we try to promote healthy eating and as such we only allow fruit or vegetables at snacks at breaktime. Dried fruit is allowed but only if it doesn’t have any added sugar or fat.

Water in school

At all times of the year, the children are given free access to drinking water. Water bottles must be labelled clearly with your child’s name and should only contain water.

Cool Milk

Up until the age of five (if you have registered your child with Cool Milk), your child will be provided with a third of a pint of milk each day free of charge. After they turn five, you will be given the option to continue this but you will be charged.

If you would like this to continue after your child turns five, you will need to contact Cool Milk direct to make payment (by phone 0800 321 3248 or via the website www.coolmil.com).

There is sometimes a bit of delay in Cool Milk updating the list of pupils that is used in school to distribute the milk so we would be grateful if you could let Miss Morris know if you do register your child or set up payment.

Information from the Public Health Nursing Team for parents and children

You can contact the service on 0333 358 3654 between the hours of 9:30am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). 

You may also contact for advice via our CHAT Health text messaging service on: 

School Nurse 07507 330346 

If you have any concerns about the health of your child, please do not hesitate to contact us on either of the numbers above. 

If you have a medical concern, then please contact your GP Surgery during opening hours or NHS 111 for out of hours medical advice. 

For information about child health, behaviour and development please refer to the contact list below: 

Useful Contacts: 

NHS Choices –www.nhschoice.net 

Family Information Service – 01743 254 440 

Health For Kids– This website has resources for parents and carers that can help you support your children to be happy and healthy. It also offers fun and engaging ways for children to learn about health.www.healthforkids.co.uk 

Health For Teens– This website is a great resource for young people; topics covered include sexual health, anxiety, emotional health, lifestyle and more. www.healthforteens.co.uk 

Child Behaviour

Nutrition/ Fussy Eaters

Emotional Health and Wellbeing:

Emotional Parental Health:

  • Psychological Therapies –  0300 123 6020.  Severnfields Health Village, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4RQ.  
  • BEAM – askbeam@childrenssociety.org.uk

Sexual Health: 

Open Clinic, local NHS sexual health service – www.openclinic.org.uk