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School Performance Tables

Please use the link below to Bryn Offa CE Primary’s School Performance Tables as published by the Department for Education.



The information from the above link is reproduced below:

Progress in reading, writing and maths

These scores show how much progress pupils at this school made in reading, writing and maths between the end of (opens a popup) and the end of (opens a popup), compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.


The scores are calculated by comparing the key stage 2 test and assessment results of pupils at this school with the results of pupils in schools across England who started with similar assessment results at the end of the previous key stage – key stage 1.


See School performance tables: about the data for more information about how the progress measures are calculated.


  Reading Writing Maths
School progress scoreConfidence interval


-3.70 to +1.9


-3.30 to +2.3


-0.40 to +4.4

Well above national average(about 10% of schools in England)
Above national average(about 10% of schools in England)
Average(about 60% of schools in England)
Below national average(about 10% of schools in England)
Well below national average(about 10% of schools in England)

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

Pupils are ‘meeting the expected standard’ if they achieve a ‘scaled score’ of 100 or more in their reading and maths tests, and their teacher assesses them as ‘working at the expected standard’ or better in writing. For a more detailed explanation, see Scaled scores at key stage 2,Key stage 2 teacher assessmentand Primary school accountability.

  School Local authority average England average
Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 55% 51% 53%

Percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths

Pupils are ‘achieving at a higher standard’ if they achieve a ‘scaled score’ of 110 or more in their reading and maths tests, and their teacher assesses them as ‘working at a greater depth within the expected standard’ in writing. This standard was set for the first time in 2016 by the Department for Education to provide information about pupils across England achieving in the top 5%. For a more detailed explanation, see Scaled scores at key stage 2,Key stage 2 teacher assessmentand Primary school accountability.

  School Local authority average England average
Percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 0% 5% 5%

Average score in reading

This score shows how well pupils performed in the (opens a popup) reading test.

This score is known as the reading ‘scaled score’. The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more. For a more detailed explanation, see Scaled scores at key stage 2and Primary school accountability.

  School Local authority average England average
Average score in reading 101 103 103

Average score in maths

This score shows how well pupils performed in the (opens a popup) maths test.

This score is known as the maths ‘scaled score’. The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more. For a more detailed explanation, see Scaled scores at key stage 2and Primary school accountability.

  School Local authority average England average
Average score in maths 104 103 103