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Our vision for science is to develop curious and inquisitive learners, who use their scientific skills and knowledge to understand the world around them.


It is the intent of Bryn Offa CE Primary School for science to be taught in all classes and year groups through at least 2 hours of lessons a week. As one of the core subjects within the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2, it is given the prominence it deserves. Within Reception, science links to three strands of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework: Understanding the world; communication and language; and personal, social and emotional development. Wherever possible, educational visits should be linked to the current topic being taught in that class. Bryn Offa has a beautiful setting; this should be used extensively. Throughout their time at Bryn Offa, the children will visit the Llanymynech Heritage Area multiple times as this reinforces their learning in a wide range of areas, including seasonal changes, habitats, animals, plants and rocks. Children will understand the importance of respecting and admiring living organisms and the natural world around them.

The Medium Term Plan and Skill Progression Table allows teachers to ensure that children’s knowledge and skills are developed progressively, building on what they have already learnt and practised. Teachers will utilise use the Medium Term Plan to link scientific skills (using the Skills Progression Table for guidance) into each topic and allow children to learn about influential scientists and key scientific discoveries. Throughout each academic year, children must have had access to a variety of enquiry types: observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary sources. At Bryn Offa, pupils spend time researching scientists and how scientific ideas have developed over time. This allows the children to see the real world application of scientific knowledge, whilst also encouraging them to view science as a potential career path. Pupils are encouraged to present their findings in a systematic, scientific manner, including diagrams, graphs, charts and the use of technology. Developing the children’s scientific skills should be considered central to each science lesson, as this gives children the building blocks they need to be successful in science at secondary school and it is also where they can let their natural curiosity and inquisitiveness flourish.

The children will see the importance of respecting the materials and resources they have access to, to ensure their own and others’ safety. Children must be taught the key vocabulary for their topic and are encouraged to apply this terminology in oral discussions and in their written work. Each class must have a working wall, which allows the children to see this vocabulary, as well as the scientific skills they are developing. The children’s opinions and thoughts should be collated each year, allowing the teachers and science subject coordinator to produce lessons and a curriculum which puts pupils’ enthusiasm and enjoyment at its heart. Ultimately, science at Bryn Offa will prepare pupils to understand the use and implications of science, today and for the future.

Our Curriculum:

Our Medium Term Plan has been split into a 2 year cycle for each class so the children can experience the breadth and depth of our science curriculum.

What enrichment activities does Bryn Offa offer for science?

Here at Bryn Offa we have a beautiful setting, which is used extensively. Children walk to the Llanymynech Heritage Area to reinforce their learning in a wide range of areas, including seasonal changes, habitats, animals, plants and rocks. We teach the children to respect and admire living organisms and the natural world around them.

The children have also had the opportunity to:

  • Visit and complete workshops at Chester Zoo;
  • Complete Living Things and their Habitats activities at Attingham Park;
  • Visit and complete a workshop at The Exotic Zoo for their animals topic;
  • Visit Park Hall Farm;
  • Complete a materials hunt at The British Ironworks Museum;
  • Visit and complete a workshop at Blue Planet;
  • Complete activities based on forces at RAF Cosford;
  • Spend a morning completing STEAM activities at The Marches in Year 5;
  • Encourage visitors, who are experts in their fields to visit the school.

This year (2023), the children took part in NFU Live Lessons and completed activities based on the theme ‘connections’. Class 2 even built a barometer and Class 5 used the microscopes for the first time. On of our governors, Janet Brown, secured a donation to the school, allowing these microscopes to be purchased.

Last year (2022), Science Week was very exciting as we were finally allowed visitors into school and could go on school trips. Class 2 had a Space Day were they took part in science activities which had a space theme. Class 2, 4 and 5 got to experience a planetarium, which was in the school hall. Many classes took part in an NEU live lesson and Class 5 reinforced their learning all about forces by creating rocket powered cars at RAF Cosford.

In 2021, Science Week was a bit different due to COVID restrictions. The whole school took part in a Live Science Lesson over Microsoft Teams. We made citrus fruit volcanoes and explored which fruit made the biggest volcano. We found the lemon and lime were the most dramatic but the reaction using the orange was the smallest.

Other previous enrichment activities:

The Year 5s spend a morning at The Marches completing STEAM activities. This year, they visited their planetarium and started creating a scale diagram of the Solar System.